Liminal Spaces

Liminal Spaces is Celeste Inez Mathilda (they/them). Celeste is an animist rural queer printmaker, herbal medicine farmer, and counsellor/business coach. They make screenprinted and linocut patches and prints, as well as apparel and wall hangings. They also make medicinal teas and tinctures, and write zines about plants, people, self-care and the connections between them all.

Their work is generally inspired by the importance of building good relationships with the more than human world and helping humans to find our right-sized place in the natural world.

Celeste sources materials with an incredible amount of integrity and intentionality. Most patches they make are printed on repurposed fabric. The screenprinting ink is water-based. All clothing and apparel are repurposed or organic/fair trade.

What 3 Words Best Describe You?

feral yet approachable